JOHN SAVAGE Biography - Other artists & entretainers


Biography » other artists entretainers » john savage


SAVAGE, John, journalist, born in Dublin, Ireland, 13 December, 1828. He was educated in his native city, and studied in the art school of the Royal Dublin society, winning several prizes, he became active in revolutionary clubs, established two journals that were Suppressed by the British government, and afterward, organized and led armed peasants in the south of Ireland. When the cause was lost, he escaped to New York in 1848, and became a proof-reader for the New York “Tribune’.” Afterward he was literary editor of “The Citizen,” wrote for the “Democratic Review” and “American Review.” In 185′7 he removed to Washington. where he was chief writer for “The States,” the organ of Stephen A. Douglas, of which paper he became the proprietor, he was active in organizing the Irish brigade and the high legion for the National army during the civil war, and served in the 69th New York regiment. The degree of LL.D. was conferred on him by St. John’s college, Fordham, New York, in 1875. Mr. Savage wrote several popular war-song including “The Starry Flag” and “The Muster of the North.” He is the author of ” Lays of the Fatherland” (New York, 1850); “‘98 and ‘48″ the Modern Revolutionary History and Literature of Ireland” (1856); “Our Living Representative Men” (Philadelphia, 1860); ” Faith and Fancy,” poems (New York, 1863); “Campaign Life of Andrew Johnson” (1864); “Life and Public Services of Andrew Johnson” (1866); “Fenian Heroes and Martyrs” (Boston, 1868); “Poems” Lyrical, Dramatic, and Romantic (1870); “Picturesque Ireland” (1878-’83); and several plays, including “Sybil,” a tragedy, which was produced in 18,58 (1865) ; “Waiting for a Wife,” a comedy (1859)” and “Eva, a Goblin Romance” (1865).